Red wine

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Red wine

Red grapes-1 kg
Sugar -1kg
Dry yeast -1/4 tsp.
Whole wheat- a hand ful
Nutmeg grated- 1/2
Cinnamon sticks-2 ( an inch long)
Cloves -6
Beaten egg white -1
Boiled  and cooled water to Luke warm -1 1/2 litre
Make sure to use clean and dry vessels for making this wine.
Clean and dry a jar and a ladle and keep aside.
Wash the grapes  and keep it on a strainer .
Pat dry each grapes using a clean cloth.
Wash and dry the wheat.
Mix all the ingredients in the dry jar using the ladle
Close the jar and cover and tie the lid with a clean cotton cloth.
Mix it every alternate day using a dry ladle.
Do this for fourteen days and strain it.
Transfer it to a wine bottles and it is ready to use after another fourteen days.

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