Mushroom spring onion with coconut (thoren)

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As it is lent season some of my friends ask me to post some vegetarian dishes.  So you can expect more of veg dish posts till Easter. The following is a tasty side dish for plain rice.

Mushroom spring onion thoren


What you need

  • Mushroom-150g

  • spring onion with the bulb-1 small bunch(100g)

  • onion-1small

  • green chillies-2

  • ginger- 1/2 inch piece

  • garlic-2 cloves

  • turmeric powder-1/4 tsp

  • coconut grated-1/4 cup

  • curry leaves-a sprig

  • mustard- 1/4 tsp

  • Oil-1tsp
  • Kudampuli(malabar tamarind )-2small pieces

  • salt to taste


  • Cut the mushroom into thin pieces.
  • Chop the spring onion (keep the bulb part and the leaf parts separately) , onion,green chillies,garlic and ginger.
  • Keep a woke in a medium flame and add a teaspoon of oil and splutter the mustard seeds.
  • Add the onion, ginger, garlic, green chillies , curry leaves and spring onion bulbs one by one.
  • Saute it till the onion becomes translucent.(about a minute and a half).
  • Add turmeric powder and stir well.

  • Now add the thinely sliced mushrooms, kudampuli and salt and stir and close it with a lid.

  • After a minute  when you open the lid you can see the mushroom giving out its water.

  • Keep the lid open and stir now and then till all the water gets evaporated.

  • Now add the spring onion leaves and stir for half a minute and take out in a serving dish.

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