Neymeen(king fish)cutlets

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Whenever there was a party at our house, my mother used to make some dishes the previous day itself. These cutlets are one such dish.  It can be kept in the fridge for 4or 5days and fry hot whenever needed. We can also keep it in freezer for about month and take out an hour before frying. So this convenient dish can be either used as a starter with ketchup or a side dish with rice.
 King fish or neymeen cutlets


•         King fish -500g
•         Potato -1big (100g)
•         Carrot (finely chopped) 1big
•         Green chilies (chopped)-5
•         Coriander leaves (chopped) : 3tbsp
•         Ginger (finely chopped) - 3tbsp
•         Onion big (finely chopped) - 2
•         Pepper powder- 1tbsp
•         Bread (powdered coarsely in a mixer) - 7 to 8 pieces
•         Eggs-2
•         Oil -2tbsp
•         Salt to taste
•         And extra oil for frying
•         Clean the fish (while rinsing add half of a lemon's juice in the final water to lessen the smell and to make it firm).
•         Boil the fish with one teaspoon of the pepper powder and enough salt and half a cup of water.
•         Cook it and simmer it in a low flame till all the water is gone.
•         When it is cool enough remove the fish bones and shred it with your hands and keep aside.
•         In a pan heat two tbsp. of oil and sauté the onions for 3minutes.Add green chilies and ginger and sauté for another couple of minutes.  Now add the carrots and sauté it till it gets cooked (2 to 3 minutes). Add just enough salt for the onion and carrots. And now add the fish and stir altogether for 2mins.
•         Cook the potato and remove the skin and mash it with enough salt and the remaining pepper powder. Now add it to the fish and finally add the chopped coriander leaves and mix it well and make lemon sized balls out of it. Shape it to cutlets with the help of a spoon.
•         Whisk the eggs together in a bowl.
•         Take the bread crumbs in a big plate.
•         Roll the cutlets in the eggs and then coat it with the bread crumbs and fry it and serve hot.

Note:  I got 32 cutlets with the given amount. You can either deep fry it or shallow fry but if you are shallow frying it make sure to make it a little more flattened. You can use the help of a spoon while rolling it in eggs otherwise the bread crumbs will stick on your fingers and makes it a little messy or u can ask someone to help you. If you feel the final cutlet mixture is not firm enough while making the cutlets, add a slice of bread piece.
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