Parsley coriander chicken salad

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Feel like having something healthy, light and tasty?  Here is a dish which is apt for all those descriptions.

Parsley coriander chicken salad


• Chicken breast: 2
• Parsley (chopped) : 1 ½ cup
• Coriander leaves(chopped) : 1/2cup
• Beans:1/2 cups(see note)
• Tomato:1
• Onion:1
• Cucumber:1
• Olive oil: 2 tbsp.
• Lemon juice: 2tbsp.
• Pepper and salt to taste


• Soak the beans for 4 hours.
• Boil the chicken with 2cups of water and the stems of parsley, coriander and enough salt and pepper.
• When the stock reduce to about 1 cup take out the chicken pieces and set it aside.
• Strain the stock and use it to cook the beans.
• Chop the onions, cucumber and tomato.
• To remove the pungent taste of onion put it in water and add a tsp. of vinegar and keep for 15min and strain it.
• Shred the chicken and put it in a bowl and add the cooked beans, onion, cucumber and tomato.
• Add salt and lemon juice and pepper and mix well.
• Now add the leaves and add olive oil and mix it again
• Serve this salad in fresh lettuce leaves.

Note: You can use the beans of your choice. I used kidney beans. You can freeze the chicken stock   in an ice tray and store it in the freezer and use it for soups curries etc. To give crunchiness to this salad ,toast a bread and cut off the edges and cut into 16 and put it on top before serving. 
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