Cauliflower with capsicum and tomatoes

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This easy side dish goes well with rice

 Cauliflower with capsicum and tomatoes


• cauliflower (cleaned and cut into medium florets): 6 cups
• capsicum(cut into cubes):1 small
• tomatoes (cut into cubes):2 big
• garlic minced:2 cloves
• cumin:1tsp
• Turmeric powder: 1/4 tsp.
• Chili powder: 1/4 tsp.
• salt and pepper to taste
• olive oil :2tbsp
For garnishing:
• Lemon juice :1tbsp
• Chopped coriander leaves: 1 tbsp.


• In a big microwaveable bowl toss all the ingredients except the capsicum and oil.
• Cover and microwave in high for 4 minutes.
• Keep a large pan in medium flame on the stove and pour the oil.
• Add the microwaved cauliflower and stir for 2 minutes.
• Now add the capsicum and stir for a minute.
• Switch off the stove and add the lemon juice.
• Take it out in a serving bowl and garnish with coriander leaves.

Note: I used Tefal Acti-fry and used only 2 tsp. of oil.
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