Rich Fruit cake

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                                                      Rich fruit cake


All purpose flour- 2 cups

Almond flour-3/4 cups

Baking powder -1tsp.

Salt -1/2 tsp.

Butter – 1cup

Light brown sugar- 1 cup

Eggs -3

Rum – 3 tbsp. (and more for brushing)

Orange -1

Lemon -1

Hazelnuts- 100g

Dried apricots- 200g

Raisins -200g

Dried Blueberry -200g

Currants -100g

Dates -100g

Dried mangoes-100g

Prunes -100g

Dried cranberries-100g


Grease a 9-inch spring foam pan with butter and line it with parchment paper.

Pre-heat oven to 160 degrees Celsius.

Whisk flour, almond flour, baking powder and salt and mix well.

Cut the big pieces of dried fruits to the size of raisins.

Take the dried fruits and hazelnuts into a glass bowl, add four tablespoons of the flour mixture and mix well to coat it.

In another bowl cream the butter with brown sugar until fluffy.

Add eggs one at a time and beat well.

Add the juice and zest of the orange, zest of the lemon and rum and mix well.

Fold in the dried fruits and flour.

Transfer the thick batter unto the prepared pan and bake it in the preheated oven for an hour.

Reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and bake it for another 40 to 50 minutes or until a tooth pick inserted comes out with a few moist crumbs.

Keep it on a wire rack for cooling, then remove the pan.

Poke the cake with a wooden skewer and brush it with rum.

Brush the cake with rum twice a week for 3 weeks and after that you can cut and serve it.

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