vellarikka pachady

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Vellarikka pachady

Once again lent has started and so I would like to share with you a recipe of a vegetarian

dish. I have already shared the recipe of some pachady dishes like, vendakka, beet root and

ginger. Vellarikka(cucumber) pachady is the most common one. The sourness of this recipe

can be adjusted by the sourness of the curd you add in it.


Vellarikka(cucumber)(cut into small cubes)-2 cup

Green chilly (chopped)-1

Salt to taste

Water -1 cup

Curd -1 cup

Cumin powder-1/2 tsp.

For grinding

Coconut (grated)-1/2 cup



For tampering

Oil -1tsp.

Mustard-1/2 tsp

Shallots (thinely sliced)-2

Curry leaves-2 sprigs

Red chilly -1 or 2


Boil and cook the cucumber with enough salt, a cup of water and green chilly.

Finely grind the coconut with shallots, and add mustard and give a turn for two three seconds

So as to just crush the mustard.

Add the ground coconut to the cooked cucumber and stir well.

When the mixture is  just warm(not hot) add well beaten curd and mix well.

Add cumin powder, mix and check for enough salt.

Heat a teaspoon of oil in a small woke and splutter mustard seeds

Add sliced shallots, curry leaves and red chilly.

Fry the shallots to golden brown and pour over the pachady.

Serve with rice.
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