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It is lent now, so thought of posting something vegetarian. And at last I thought of avial!! I was wondering why I didn’t post this since I started this blog a year back. Everything has a time and this might be the right time. In this recipe you can add tomato, raw mango, tamarind or curd for the sour taste. Here I have added tomato and a little curd. Jyotsna I would like to share this recipe especially to you as last time when we met you asked me the recipe!!
  • Yam, carrots, snake gourd, pumpkin , tomato, cucumber, long beans, drumsticks, brinjal kovakka (tindora) -1/2 cup each cut into long strips
  • Green chili silted -2
  • Curry leaves -4 sprigs
  • Chili powder-1/2 tsp
  • Turmeric powder- ½ tsp
  •  Salt to taste
  • For grinding
  • Grated coconut-2 cups
  • Cumin 1 tsp
  • Shallots -2
  • Coconut oil-1 tbsp.
  • Curd -1 to 2 tbsp.
  • Cook all the vegetables with a cup of water green chilies, two sprigs of curry leaves, turmeric powder, chili powder and salt to taste.
  • Grind coarsely grated coconut, cumin and shallots. Add this to the cooked vegetables.
  • Mix well and finally add coconut oil, curd and the remaining curry leaves and take it in a serving bowl.
Note- put yam and brinjal after cutting in water so the color won’t change.
Add curd after checking the sourness.
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