Red velvet cake

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Red velvet cake

This is a cake which I wanted to try since one of my birthdays when my husband bought it. But I was not sure which recipe to follow. At last I thought of trying it from my Kenwood recipe book with a little changes. All the dishes 1 tried from it was a success   After that I make it quite often as I have never failed to get appreciation from whomever I have served it! Here it goes
Butter -120g
Vanilla extract-1tsp
Baking powder-1tsp
Cocoa powder-1 tbsp.
Butter milk-240 ml
Red food color-2 tbsp.
For the butter cream
Cream cheese-125g
Vanilla extract-1tbsp.
Icing sugar-200g
Chopped almonds-50g
Heat the oven to 180 degree and grease two 15cm round cake tins
Cream butter and sugar together on a medium speed until fluffy.
Add the eggs one at a time and then add the vanilla and mix on a medium speed until they are incorporated.
Sieve the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder together.
Add the flour mixture little at a time to the butter mixture mixing on a slow speed between each addition.
Stir the butter milk and the food color in a separate jar till they are mixed properly.
Add the butter milk mixture little at a time to the cake mixture and mix it on a medium speed.
Divide the mixture between the two tins and bake it for 25 to 30 minutes until a tooth pick inserted into the cake comes out clean.
Take the cakes out and leave it in the tin for 10 minutes and turn out to cool it completely on a wire rack.
Meanwhile to make the butter cream frosting, add butter, cheese and vanilla in a glass bowl and cream it together in a medium speed until smooth.
Gradually add the icing sugar, until you have a creamy icing, chill for 30 minutes.
Level the cakes with a sharp knife carefully, keep one of the cakes on a cake dish and cover the top and sides with the icing.  Keep the other cake on top and cover and decorate it with the remaining icing.
Sprinkle with chopped almonds.

Note: - Serves for 6-8 people.
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