Fish mugalai

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Fish Mughlai

  • Fish cleaned and cut into an inch cube pieces-500g
  • Onion chopped-1 cup
  • Tomatoes chopped-1cup
  • Sunflower oil-2 tbsp.
  • Chili powder-1tbsp.
  • Green chilies slited-4
  • Salt to taste
  • Lemon juice-1tsp.

For grinding
  • Coriander leaves-1/2 cup
  • Mint leaves-1/2 cup
  • Garlic chopped-1 ½ tbsp.
  • Ginger chopped-1tbsp.
  • Turmeric powder-1tsp
For garnishing
  • Cube a green capsicum and an onion and sauté it in a tsp. of oil.   Make sure that the color doesn’t change

  • Marinate the fish with enough salt and lemon juice and keep for 10min.
  • Grind coriander leaves, mint leaves, ginger, garlic and turmeric to a fine paste.
  • Sauté the onion in 2tbsp of oil for 2minutes (no need to make it brown).
  • Add chili powder and stir it in a low flame till the raw smell is no more.
  • Add the ground masalas and stir for another 4 minutes.
  • Now add chopped tomatoes till the oil turns up.
  • Add fish along with green chilies and a cup of water.
  • Cook the fish in a low flame till the gravy is thick enough.
  • Garnish with sautéed capsicum and onion and serve with rice or bread.
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