Soya chunks mushroom ullarthe

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Soya chunks mushroom ullarthe
Soya beans are alternative source of protein for vegetarians.  Its fat content is negligible. Soy protein is rich in B vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids calcium and iron.  So during lent I make it a point to prepare dishes that uses soya beans.
  • Soya chunks- 100 g
  • Mushrooms quartered -150 g
  • Onion sliced-1 (big)
  • Ginger garlic paste-2tsp
  • Tomato sliced-1(medium)
  • Shallots chopped-1/4 cup
  • Curry leaves -2 sprig
  • Coriander powder- 2 ½ tsp.
  •  Kashmiri Chili powder-1 tsp
  • Turmeric powder-1/2 tsp
  • Garam masala powder-1/2 tsp
  • Pepper powder-1/2 tsp.
  • Oil 2tbsp.
  • Salt to taste
  • Boil 2 cups of water in a sauce pan and add the soya chunks, switch off the stove and leave it aside for 30 mins.
  • Squeeze out the water, wash it and cut it into two if it is big. Add the cut mushrooms to the soya chunks in a bowl and add turmeric powder and enough salt.
  • Heat a wok add a tablespoon of oil and fry the onions and curry leaves and keep it aside.
  • Add the remaining oil to the wok and add shallots sauté till translucent.
  • Add ginger garlic paste and stir till the shallots turn light brown.
  • Now add the chili powder and coriander powder, sauté till the raw smell of the masalas are gone.
  • Add soya chunks and mushrooms, mix everything well cover and cook for 5 minutes stirring now and then.
  • Open the lid cook it till the masalas are well coated on the mushrooms and soya chunks
  • Add garam masala, pepper powder and the fried curry leaves and onion.
  • Take it out in a serving bowl and serve with chappathy or plain rice.
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