Herb and honey Chicken Strips

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On a weekend my daughter wanted to experiment something new and this is what she came up with. We all loved it and I would like to share it with you .Let me know your thoughts.

Herb and honey Chicken Strips

• Lemon Grass: One finger long stalk
• Rosemary: One sprig
• Cilantro: One handful
• Parsley: one handful
• Chicken Breast: 600 gm.
• Vinegar: 0.25 Cups
• Honey: 0.25 Cups
• Soy Sauce: 0.25 Cups
• Tarragon Leaves: 0.5 tsp.
• Olive oil: 1 table spoon
• Almond oil: 1 table spoon
• Ginger: 0.5 inch (finely chopped)
• Garlic: 4 cloves (finely chopped)
• Salt to taste

• Slice the breast into strips.
• Mix all Ingredients in a bag and leave it for 30 min (minimum-Its best to leave it in the bag overnight if possible.)
• Pre-Heat the oven to 200 degree Celsius and place the marinated strips on a baking tray covered with aluminum foil at 180 degree Celsius turning it every 10 min for the next 30 min.
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