Extra crispy murukke

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Extra crispy murukke
As the name indicates, if you follow this recipe you will get 80 very crispy murukke of the size shown in the figure. It has a shelf life of almost 3 weeks. I don’t know whether it will stay longer as it always finishes before that!!!

  • Finely powdered and roasted rice flour-3 cups
       (I used double horse pathiri podi)
  • Uzhunnu (black gram without husk)-1 cup
  • Sesame seeds (black or white of your choice)-50g
  • Butter-50g
  • Hot water –almost 500ml (see note)
  • Coconut milk powder-5 tbsp.
  • Oregano- 1/2 tsp.
  • Salt to taste


  • Wash the black gram and keep it on strainer to drain the water off (do not soak it, wash it fast)
  • When the black gram is almost dry, dry roast it till the color slightly changes (no need to make it brown).
  • Powder it finely when it is at room temperature.
  • Mix it with the rice flour in a bowl and add butter, rub it properly with the flours.
  • Add salt , sesame seeds and oregano.
  • Mix the coconut powder with hot water and pour it slowly to the flour mixture.
  • Make it to a smooth dough.
  • Take small portions out in a murukku mold (using the one with star shaped pattern)
  • Press it onto a plantain leaf or steel plate (see note) starting with a small circle (about a size of a rupee coin) and continue to four concentric circles.
  • Stick the end with the adjacent circle.
  • Put it in hot oil and fry it to golden brown.
  • Store it in airtight bottles after it attains room temperature.
  • Enjoy with tea or coffee!!
Note: - You can also use the milk of one coconut instead of using hot water and coconut milk powder but make the milk hot after taking it out (about 60-70 degree).
  •  If you are making the murkke on a steel plate gently take it out for frying using a flexible and thin spatula.
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